Why subscribe?

All our career advice is from the real world of work. And all of it drives the 5 essential Superskills you need to thrive at work today.

How it works

Every other week, we send you an email containing 3 things:

  • A Wink. A cheeky tip to use straight away. Like how to start a Zoom meeting and get everyone aligned, even if it's not your meeting.

  • A Nudge. This is your poke in the ribs. A power habit to learn and apply at work, like how to manage a toxic, manipulative colleague.

  • A Jolt. A 1.21 gigwatt wake up call. It will make you think hard about where you're going in life and how you'll get there.

Everything we write about drives the 5 Superskills you need to thrive at work today:

  • Resilience. Taking a punch and getting back up.

  • Story telling. Creatively influencing others to believe in your ideas

  • Doing. The ability to get stuff done quickly through your organization.

  • Relationships. Having others want you on their team because you are a good person who gets good results.

  • Purpose. Nothing is worth doing unless you know why you’re doing it.

We do this in a snappy, entertaining but rigorously thought-through way, with advice from people who’ve actually lived the experience - not click-bait journalism or re-purposed content from the theoretical sidelines.

Our goal is for The Jolt to be habit forming. (In a good way, not a nicotine way.)

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Subscribe to The Jolt

We serve up 100% battle tested, candid career advice to help you prosper in the scrappy world of work. Our writers are real-world working executives with over 100 years of leadership experience - and zero HR mumbo jumbo.


Co-Founder, The Jolt.